
computer issues!

Hello I am kind of Pissed off right now becuase I was playing a little Aura Kimgdom about 5 minutes ago and then I had to leave my room for like 10 seconds and when I come back I think everything will be just fine but no! Not at all! My computer is suddenly completly off! so of course I get really confused and started wondering what really happned during those 10 seconds I was gone and tought: well mybe the computer got over heated. But then I remebred that when it gets over heated it usually isn't completely shut off so I am a little suspicius about this cuase someone could have been messing with me in the worst way possible cuase if you mess with the computer for me you probably will regret if catch you doing it or know that you did it becuase to me that is just NOT OK AT ALL!
so yeah I still don't know what in the world happned during those 10 little seconds but well I'm not happy about it whatever happned cause it was really the least convenient becuase I'm not in the best mood and I haven't been the whole day and I don't really know why but I have made a character with Serif as Eidiolon sorry but I just can't seem to spell that Word if it is wrong but you know what can you do?